Admiral Tilt Tube Mount Unbalanced Cylinder Steering Kit for Outboards & Sterndrives (OBKIT3)
HyDrive's home is Australia where recreational and commercial boats often operate days from onshore support. Systems and components are tough, reliable, made from quality materials and designed for easy on the water serviceability.
The OBKIT3 contains a 210TSE unbalanced side mount steering cylinder which is very popular cylinder with outboards and stern drives - especially where there is limited space available. Made from brass-bronze (not aluminium), it can handle up to 235hp single installation / 600hp twin installation, and is simpler and cheaper to install than a similar spec bullhorn. The cylinder is designed to screw directly onto the outboard motor’s tilt-tube or pivot-tube in exactly the same way as conventional cable steering. Simply unscrew the old cable from the motor, screw on the HyDrive cylinder onto the same thread, install the fittings. It can also be fitted directly to splash well brackets to replace any cable steering. At the other end it connects to the tiller arm of the outboard using the standard drag-link that already connects the cable. It also attaches to Stern Drives in the same manner, and can be used on Stern Drive Power steering cylinders making dual stations very simple. It’s really that simple.
Unbalanced cylinders don't have a piston rod protruding out of both ends of the cylinder, so are often fitted where space is limited such as outboard splash wells and sterndrive powered RIBs.
Click here for the Hydrive OuBKIT3 Data Sheet
This OBKIT3 side mount kit is designed to be used with standard outboard motor drag-link supplied with the engine - NOT included in the kit as each outboard manufacturer and model has different drag-link design - this drag link is probably already on your outboard.
The OBKIT3 comes in a single carton and include the following items:-
- 401N8 Helm - 28cc/rev In-built Lock valve Maximum working pressure:- 1000psi Absolute maximum pressure:- 1500psi
- Model 210TSE N8 unbalanced cylinder - Capacity:- 154cc Stroke:- 203mm Weight:- 3Kg
- 2 litres ULTRA-15 fluid
- 15Mtrs 3/8” OD Nylon tubing
- Bleeding Kit
- All fittings
- Installation Manual
- Packed weight 12Kg (Complete Boxed Kit)
Note:**Unit designed to be used with standard outboard motor drag-link supplied with the engine. Not included in the kit as each outboard manufacturer and model has different drag-link design..
In short - you get everything except a steering wheel. What could be simpler. No complicated part numbers - just a simple KIT number.
HyDrive has built an enviable worldwide reputation, in addition to being used by experienced recreational sailors systems can be found on Pilot boats, commercial fishing vessels and Olympic Sailing Team support RIBs etc..
Please note that some Hydrive products are held in a remote warehouse, so it may take a few more days for delivery. If your requirement is urgent, please call us before ordering on 01980-624512.